Danya Cebus Manpower LTD
Issues related to manpower are crucial for the construction industry in Israel.
Hundreds of employees work on Danya Cebus LTD sites on daily basis, and their work is highly important and necessary for the company’s development and growth.
Therefore Danya Cebus LTD corporations does its best to increase the number of quality workers participating in its projects.
This was the main reason for establishment of DANYA CEBUS MANPOWER LTD, which has a license to operate as a labor and manpower company from the Israeli Ministry of Economy.
The company employs Israeli citizens and legal foreign workers from Eritrea.
The purpose of the company, among others, is to create a database of professional staff, and refer them to construction sites as needed.
As part of this activity the company will supply experts to all sites of Danya Cebus LTD and its subsidiaries across Israel.
DANYA CEBUS MANPOWER LTD offers many advantages, including the flexibility of staff placement on sites and their transfer, as appropriate and in accordance with the schedule.
The company is managed by Amir Weisman – the head of human resources and foreign workers management. This division includes the activities of YUVALIM Manpower, employment of Palestinian workers and construction labor.